Saturday, July 27, 2013

My Sparkle Speck Friend

When I first moved to this panhandle area two and a half years ago or so, I was so alone.  I felt lost and scared and empty.  I prayed every night for God to send me a friend, someone that would at least talk to me sometimes and that maybe one day would be a little diamond in my life, a soul sister like the ones I had left behind.  After six months of eating in my car alone, sitting on the outside of conversations, and crying at home in my lonely room, God answered my prayer with Meg.  Meggie Boo Boo.  My Meggie.  She's one of the funniest people ever invented.  She knows when I'm sad and knows how to cheer me up. She's a kick booty social worker and a fan-freakin-tastic cook.  But now she's moving away to greener pastures and her family of darlings ten hours away.  It's sad.  So sad.  But I know our friendship will never end.  We just aren't made that way.  Ten hours is nothing to our little souls.  Ten hours is do-able.  Forever my soul sister, no matter the distance!

To soften the blow and to send my meggie off in style, I wanted to have a dinner for her on the last full moon before she left.  Why a full moon dinner? Because I am a hippie at heart and I love food.  Good luck meggie boo bear!  You're a shining star off to fill the worlds of Houston with your own particular special light.

It's time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I'd much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure.
Ernie Harwell 

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