Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend and a Note on the Future

This past weekend was nice and the calm before the storm, so to speak.  I went to my parent's house about an hour away and had a small cookout with one of my current roommates and an older couple.  We had burgers and veggies straight from the grill.  This current week, I will be going to new employee days, taking a dosage math test, getting drug tested, and signing contracts.  All just to be your friendly neighborhood nurse!  Then, hopefully this weekend I am moving to my very own little blue cottage before I start my first real, adult-y job on Monday.

Today's plan is to pack pack pack.  I recently stole a stack of boxes from behind the local Walmart and I have about five bins I can use.  This would probably be much easier if I were organized.

I've been thinking a lot about change lately.  Those of you that know me know that I have an aversion to change.  This time around though, it feels ok.  I am staying in the same area so even though I'm starting a new job where I could plausibly kill people accidentally and I'm moving residences, I feel kind of excited.  The dread I feel comes from the initialization of it all.  The process of moving.  The first week of work.  Those things make my pulses speed up a bit.

Something I reflect on:

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."
"The Bible.  2 Timothy 1:7

A picture from my recent graduation 

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