Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Finding Anderson Young

Recently my momma decided that for her birthday, she wanted to go find the grave of her many times great grandfather, Anderson Young.  He died in 1906 and he was buried in Jayton, Texas.  This is what we knew.  So, I drove the 3-ish hours down to my parents home to stay with them for the weekend and we made plans to go on a grave hunt the next day.

We set off to drive quite a ways one grey Saturday morning and pulled into the muddy cemetery around noon.  After about 20 minutes of wandering around, looking at all the tombstones, my daddy decided that we should break up and methodically go in rows to scour the entire plot.  After 40 more minutes of this, Momma found it.  A new looking gravestone flat on the ground.  I'm not sure what I expected to happen, but I felt what Momma must have felt there, standing over the bones of my dead ancestor.  He made me, in a way.  He was resting here and I felt immense peace.  Kind of cool.

Then, we stopped at the Jayton general store and picked up some goodies for the long ride back.  Crazy little adventures we have are what make life zesty ;).

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