Saturday, October 19, 2013

Journalism: Growth As a Journey

It can be hard to express feelings and desires and nuances.  Sometimes when I sit at my computer, I just write and let it flow.  Journaling is a deep part of my spirituality and connection to God and is very personal for me.  This is part of one of those passages.   

My fingertips are cold and my heart is warm.  I could see a mile away and my eyes were on fire with knowledge, like a crackling ember of humanity, raw and painful, like looking at the sun.  Sometimes I feel like my heart has been wrenched open and laid out for exposure, like a throbbing truth walk, essential but oh so difficult.  I can feel the growth of newness like a tender sprout pushing through rocky soil.  Thorny.  Complex.  Necessary. The twisty vines threaten to overtake me but I can make them work in my favor, twining, re-directing, climbing.  This is life.  This is my life, here now.  This is what I do, what I breathe, how my heart beats.  It just is.  And that will have to be enough for this moment.

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