Sunday, June 30, 2013

I Hear You

We all have rough days.  We all have days where we just want to turn around, walk to our car, drive home, crawl in bed, and try again in a few hours.

Recently I've been having my fair share of rough days.  Work problems, car problems, house problems, money problems, friend problems, health problems.  It's a lot to handle.

But it could be worse.

I know I'm blessed.

This is just a little note to tell anyone that this little blog reaches that you are loved, you are wondrous, you are worthy.  If you are broken, if you are sad, if you are in a hole so deep you don't think you'll ever get out, I hear you.  I'm sending you all my love right now and I hope that somehow, someway it makes its journey to you and wraps you up in a big hug.

Good night lovelies, and remember that things always look better after a good long sleep.

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