Saturday, September 7, 2013

Herbal Flowers: Lavender

I have a special love for lavender as it was the first herb I ever used with a medicinal intention.  And can you blame me?  It smells amazing, is beautiful to look at as a plant, and gives an overall sensation of pleasure, courage, strength, and euphoria when smelled.  Lavender is capable and powerful as an herb while being calm and gentle at the same time.  The essential oil is relaxing to the mind and can alleviate insomnia, stress, tense life spells, and melancholy.  Internally, the flowers can be drank as a tea or made into a tincture to treat stomach distress and spasms like those associated with indigestion or Irritable Bowel Syndrome.  Topically in oil form or a salve, lavender is antibacterial, anti fungal, and antiseptic.  I often apply it to bug bites, bee stings, or small wounds (cuts, scrapes) to alleviate pain and speed up healing while preventing infection.  Rosemary Gladstar has been reported to use it to wipe down doorknobs or the rims of drinking glasses where diseases are particularly bad.  The essential oil is often called a first aid kit in a bottle, and it can be found quite easily now days.  Think of lavender as your super supportive best friend: calming, uplifting, brave, strong, and ready to go to battle for you. 

I have personally used it with success to treat dermatitis, heat rash, headaches, and melancholy.  I also like to toss it in food whenever apt to foster a peaceful life. ;)

Suggestions for use:

Tea: 2 Tb. in 8 oz water for stomach cramps or spasms

Bath: Essential oil dropped into the water for stress, sadness, headaches or insomnia

Topically: Oil or salve applied as often as remembered for small skin issues like dermatitis, bug bites or stings, cuts, scrapes, rashes, or even sunburns.  

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