Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Seasonal Phases

Don’t you love summer?  The way it feels to barefoot on concrete, waiting to see just how hot it is and if you can really stand or if you should go get some shoes on. My favorite thing about summer is the tomatoes.  There’s nothing better than a home-grown tomato. I like to grow the little yellow kind, sungold, and just pop them into my mouth right off the vine.  

A lot has happened to me this summer.  Graduation from college preceded a new job and a move to a new house.  My friends moved away.  It’s been a learning experience, to be sure. 

I’m settling in, slowly but surely.  It doesn'’t feel as odd or lonely to walk around my little cottage at two in the morning. These past three months have been full of newness and change and a testing through fire, so to speak.  I’m ready for Autumn.  I am ready for blankets and boots and pumpkin spice and leaves and all those happy things.  I am ready for crisp, cool air and the smell of woodsmoke.  So yes, the last three months have been fine, but bring on the next three!  

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