Saturday, September 21, 2013

Moments in Nursing/Keeping It Real

Nursing is taking care of an adult with stage four cancer and his (very) elderly father coming to you and asking, with tears, in his eyes if his son will ever leave the hospital. 

Nursing is having the son in law of a dying man ask you why the strongest man he knows is so weak now as he punches a wall. 

Nursing is holding a sobbing woman in your arms after her husband was just diagnosed with cancer.
Nursing is getting an unsatisfactory customer report because you didn't bring antacid medication quickly enough.  They don’t know that one of your patients ripped out his IV in a confused fit at the same time and another was running a fatal heart rhythm.  And you can’t tell them. 

Nursing is being spat on, cussed at, kicked at, bitten, yelled at, misunderstood, and abused by patients, but more often, the patient’s families. 

Nursing is realizing an ordered antibiotic will cause an anaphylactic reaction in you patient, and getting yelled at by the doctor when you call to tell him he needs to prescribe something else.   

But nursing is also an amazing gift.  And sometimes patients say thank you.  Sometimes they let you hug them or tell you about their lives.  I never feel ashamed to tell people what I do.  I’m a nurse.  I belong to a vast group of others that also care and there are always, always nurses working at hospitals around the world.  We know your history, your medications, personalities and quirks.  We provide the care that is prescribes, and more often than not, suggest what should be prescribed.  Because we know you best.  I am your advocate and I’m happy to serve.

Also I get paid.  That doesn't hurt.  Although it is definitely not as much as people think. Just keepin it real.   

Insert obligatory Nurse cartoon here ;)