Friday, November 15, 2013

Crockpot Maple Pumpkin Butter + How to Eat It

Oh man, you guys.  This stuff is good.  Like in an epic good kind way.  Like make a batch and eat it all, then make a batch to give to everyone you know.  It's creamy, thick, warm, and made from a it's really actually nearly healthy.  Maybe.  Nearly.  Just go make some. It's like a hug for your taste buds.

Maple Pumpkin Butter 
28 ounce can of pumpkin puree
1/4 c. apple cider
2 Tablespoons  maple syrup
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
2 teaspoons cinnamon 
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon ginger
*2 Tablespoons butter (optional)

*I add butter because I think it lends a creaminess and richness to the end result, but it's up to you!  Either way, the stuff is amazing.  

Put all of the ingredients in a slow cooker and stir.  Cover up your creation and cook on medium for 3 hours, stirring every so often.  After the pumpkin butter is to your liking, take it out and can it, using sterile jars and processing for 20 minutes or so in hot hot hot water.  This makes about five cups of finished, amazing, festive pumpkin butter.  

"But, Katie," you say, "How do you eat your pumpkin butter?" 
Well, let me tell you. 

1. On a biscuit
2. On toast
3. Mixed into my oatmeal
4. Mixed into my yogurt
5. Out of the jar.  With a spoon. 
6. Baked into bread...recipe coming soon!
7. Over a hunk of Brie cheese with fancy crackers
8. Mixed with chocolate syrup and poured over ice cream
9. Mixed with ice cream: Pumpkin Pie Shakes!
10. Out of the jar. With my fingers. 

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