Friday, November 8, 2013

Dear Katie

Hello readers!  From time to time, people email me questions.  I'm not entirely sure why but I love it, and I'll continue to answer them as long as people care.  Just so you know: I'm not an expert.  I am a practicing nurse who has spent five years studying herbal medicine, but medical advice is cautiously given and just suggestions.  Don't do anything I say if you don't feel comfortable and by all means, consult a doctor first!  

Q: Katie, how do you get your hair to grow so fast?  Sometimes it's short and the next post it's long!  
A: It's extensions.  I use the Luxy brand from Europe and it's an incredible frivolous thing to have but I love them.  If you're looking to grow hair fast, try some biotin and lots of protein in your diet. 

Q: Katie, I have an itchy kind of scaly rash on my cheeks.  Do you know of anything that will help it?
A: I would certainly recommend some lavender essential oil.  If you have never directly put lavender oil on your skin, dilute it first, half and half water and then build up to full strength.  It is generally thought to be safe enough to put directly on skin.  Get a good quality, organic oil. Also, calendula infused oil would help, if you aren't allergic to the daisy family.  I infuse mine in extra virgin olive oil for six weeks,  a process I outline here.   Also, I think it's important to say that it is NOT BAD to put oil on your face if it's a good quality.  What do you think cream is made of?  If it aint some kind of's chemicals.

Q: Katie, what will help pregnancy nausea?
A: Ginger tea or peppermint generally can do the trick, with normal pregnancies.  Make sure the label says it's safe for preggos to drink.   Also, eat smaller meals more frequently.  When you're pregnant, your body shunts blood from non-essential organs (the stomach) to the uterus to make up for extra needs.  This slows down digestion and blood perfusion and can make you feel nauseated.  Smaller meals are easier to handle and keep the "juices flowing". 

Q: Katie, will you do a house tour?
A: Yes, as soon as I clean it...this month, I promise. 

Q: What kind of dog is Leila?  How old is she?
A: She is a white miniature schnauzer and she is three years old.

If you have a question for me, email and put "Dear Katie" in the subject line.  I can't wait to hear from you:)

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