Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Hey Guys and a Rant

Note: I have received several sweet, heartwarming comments but also a few negative comments about this post.  Because of this I have disabled comments.  Please remember that this is a personal lifestyle blog and if what I say offends you, you most certainly don't have to read it.  

So it snowed.  And iced.  Hopefully it melts soon. It was pretty dramatic, as I had to work the night it blew in.  What typically takes me 30 minutes took over an hour, and cars and trucks were sliding off the road left and right.  I saw a big gasoline truck slip and fish-tail out into the median right in front of me.  Luckily no one was hurt.  The hospital was understaffed because of the bad weather and they were worried that they would have to keep us over our 13 hour shifts because day shift couldn't come in.  Yeah, they can do that.  Nurses don't get enough respect or acknowledgment.  My relief was only a bit late, so it was all good for me and I was able to drive the hour home again in new, fresh ice.

Anyway, here's some snow pictures.