Wednesday, December 11, 2013

10 Random Facts About Me

10 Random/Fun Facts About Me

1. My parents accidentally named me after three saints
2. I love Crocodiles
3. I wanted to be a photographer for a long time.  I even have some professional training behind it, and a big honking DSLR camera.  The last teacher I had asked me if I was going to continue in the commercial market and when I said no, he told me that I didn't truly love photography because I wasn't choosing to do it for a living.  I disagree and I still love it, but I chose a more practical route.
4. I wish I could have picked my schnauzer's name.  I would have named her Scout, after To Kill A Mockingbird's character.
5. I don't wear much jewelry, but I do wear one ring every single day. It's an infinity symbol and my marmie has it's twin, as do several of my cousins and best friends.
6. I know how to read palms
7. Water is like a drug to me.  I go every single day I don't work to a pond nearby and when I'm stressed, it really helps me to go sit by some water.
8. I love to cook
9. I broke my foot falling down a flight of stairs in my loft when I was 21.  I had to do a semester of nursing school in a boot.
10. I speak Spanish 80% of the way.

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