Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Christmas and DIY Cone Trees

If you know me at all, you know that I love home decor and DIY things.  If I could figure out how, I would buy five hundred blank houses and decorate them all completely different. Part of what I love about my home is all the personalized touches that I've added over the years.  Seasonal decor is a big thing for me; I am a Christmas freak.  Even though I live alone, I don't see any reason why I shouldn't decorate just a much as I would living with others.  Expect a home tour/Christmas decor video soon:).

Today I wanted to share with you an easy way to make those super chic little Christmas trees that all the decor stores are selling right now.  Super easy and super fun.  I started with a cardboard cone base, but you could certainly make your own cone out of poster-board or cardboard as well.  Then, I just took ribbon scraps and burlap that I loved and glued them around the tree.  The golden beaded one is made from a long strand of those super cheap necklaces that you can find at any dollar store. Ta-Da!  Instant awesome DIY Christmas cheer.  I made up three of these babies in about an hour with a trusty hot glue gun.

*My style trends more towards natural/rustic decor with pops of color here and there.  I love burlap and natural woods, with gold and silver sprinkles throughout for Christmastime.

The finished project
The way to do the ribbon and burlap is to wind it around, starting at the top by affixing it with a small dot of glue.  Then, as you wind, make one twist per round as you go down, keeping the ribbon tight.  This is how to create that effortless "rumpled" look.  Then, at the end I hot glue all around the bottom and sporadically within the body, taking care not to let the glue show.  For the beads, I would put long lines of hot glue down the tree body from the top along each side so that each round was hitting the hot glue at two separate spots.

These are the three Marmie made.  She opted for a more colorful look. 

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